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Together, let’s make a difference – skilling for employability

Who are we?

Adcorp Holdings Group is a workforce solutions company that continuously seeks new ways to shape markets and economies, and co-create a shared future. In its stable, the group has Adcorp Training Services, which employs innovative ways to re-skill and up-skill the South African workforce, under-pinned by strong client partnerships and learner-centric learning methodologies.

Adcorp Training Services (ATS), encompassing PMI (Pty) Ltd, Torque IT (Pty) Ltd, and Adcorp Technical Training (Pty) Ltd, has a combined experience of more than 40 years, servicing education, training and development needs across most industries and economic sectors of South Africa and Southern Africa. This places ATS in the unique position to support government’s drive to develop skills in high demand in South Africa.

The problem:

In November 2020 the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) gazetted the National List for Occupations in High Demand: 2020.  Its primary purpose is to improve the responsiveness of the Post-School Education and Training System to the needs of the economy and to the broader developmental objectives of South Africa.  The document was released against the backdrop of deepening levels of unemployment and concerns for the quality and availability of skills.

How can we assist? 

Our depth and breadth of experience in numerous niche markets, combined with our intellectual assets, uniquely positions ATS to develop skills-sets and build learning ecosystems that shape ‘future-fit’ individuals and workplaces. We strongly believe that the future of the ‘learning-to employment ecosystem’ will be driven by coherent workplace training solutions, and learning articulation and pathways that offer exceptional intrinsic value.

In response to the National List for Occupations in High Demand:2020, ATS identified from the list of occupations, a set of qualifications organised into learning pathways that speak directly to the areas we specialise in from NQF Level 1 – 8:  Production Management, Operations Management, Logistics Management, Contact Centre Operations, IT Systems Management and Support and critical apprenticeships.

As a purpose-led organisation, we are about making a positive impact and we do this through:

  • Articulated and integrated learning solutions
  • Blended and diverse learning models that meet the needs of the millennial learner
  • A highly flexible approach to meeting clients’ operational needs
  • Stakeholder engagement from the onset to ensure the solutions are aligned and measurable
  • Credible theoretical and practical off-the-job training resulting in optimal skills transfer
  • Integrated disability solutions
  • Holistic IT training solutions supported by an unmatched portfolio of technologies

Please contact our sales team to explore how, together, we can make a difference.

PMI – Scarce skills matrix

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