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Adcorp appointments interim Chief Financial Officer

Adcorp Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1974/001804/06)
Share code: ADR & ISIN: ZAE000000139
(“Adcorp” or “the Company” or “the Group”)

Appointment of interim Chief Financial Officer

Further to the announcement released on SENS on 9 October 2019 relating to the appointment of Ms Cheryl-Jane Kujenga as interim CEO of Adcorp, shareholders are now advised that Mr Talib Sadik has been appointed as interim chief financial officer of Adcorp with effect from 18 November 2019 to enable Ms Kujenga to focus on her role as interim CEO.

Mr Sadik is a chartered accountant and previously held executive positions at De Beers Group Services, Denel SOC and Basil Read. He currently serves on the Boards of Denel SOC and SITA SOC.

Shareholders will be advised as soon as the appointment of a permanent CEO and CFO have been finalised.

18 November 2019
Sponsor: Nedbank Corporate & Investment Banking, a division of Nedbank Limited

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